Considering that in June I discovered the awesomeness that is BBC's Sherlock (yes, I'm always late to the party), I was on holidays (I mostly read on the commute), and I still knit - I'm really pleased with the number of books I read this month.
Okay, they all were short. Teeny, tiny. I know. Still! :)
I'm not so happy about the number of books I bought this month. Way too much.
These are my books in June:
34 Käthe Recheis: Kleiner Bruder Watomi
35 Angie Sage: Araminta Spuk Die Entführung der Frösche
36 Anja Jonuleit: Neunerlei
37 Angie Sage: Araminta Spuk Allein zu Haus
38 Rolf-Bernhard Essig: Da wird doch der Hund in der Pfanne verrückt!: Die lustigen Geschichten hinter unseren Redensarten
39 Peer Meter, David von Bassewitz: Vasmers Bruder
40 Jean-Dominique Bauby: Schmetterling Und Taucherglocke
41 Jacques Tardi,Jean-Pierre Verney: Elender Krieg 1914-1919 (Gesamtausgabe)
42 Robert Kirkman,Tony Moore: Gute alte Zeit (The Walking Dead, Band 1)
43 Thomas Winding: Großvaters Geschichten von den Tieren
44 Ernst Jandl,Norman Junge: fünfter sein.
45 Robert Kirkman,Charlie Adlard,Cliff Rathburn: Ein langer Weg (The Walking Dead, Band 2)
Books read in June: 12
Books from TBR: 5
Lots of children's books and Graphic novels this time :)
A to Z 2014 Reading Challenge:
H is for Heart (it's a love story): Anja Jonuleit: Neunerlei
P is for Pilgrims (the story involves moving someplace new): Robert Kirkman,Tony Moore: Gute alte Zeit (The Walking Dead, Band 1)
V is for Veteran (at least one character is/was a member of a military force): Jacques Tardi,Jean-Pierre Verney: Elender Krieg 1914-1919
Z is for Zoo (there is an animal on the cover): Thomas Winding: Großvaters Geschichten von den Tieren